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   高分子化学家。1931年出生于上海,1952年毕业于上海沪江大学化学系。1980年至今在浙江大学任教,1984年晋升教授。历任化学系主任、高分子研究所所长、国务院学位委学科评议组成员, 国家自然科学基金委学科评议组成员及浙江省科协副主席等职。现任浙江大学材料与化学工程学院教授,中国化学会常务理事。她长期从事高分子化学和材料科学方面的基础和应用基础研究工作,主攻过渡金属和稀土络合催化聚合。60年代,首先研究三元镍系顺丁橡胶,并为成功地建立我国万吨级顺丁橡胶工厂作出突出贡献,获1985年国家科技进步特别奖;60-70年代,开展并组织领导了稀土络合催化聚合学科及其橡胶的研究工作,1982年获国家自然学科二等奖;80-90年代将稀土络合催化固定CO2制备聚碳酸酯等新领域,取得一系列创新成果,获1993年国家自然科学三等然,1990年浙江省科技进步二等奖及1986年国家教委科技进步二等奖。已发表200余篇论文和专著于国内外学术书刊。1988年被评为浙江省首届先进女科技工作者,1993年获全国先进女职工称号,1994年获光华科技一等奖,1995年获浙江省"十大杰出女性"和浙江省劳动模范称号,全国教育系统劳动模范称号和人民教师奖章,1998年被选为第二届中国"十大女杰"。 1995年当选为中国科学院院士。


Zhi-quan SHEN 
Professor, Institute of Polymer Science, 
College of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering, 
Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027 China 
Email: zhiquan_shen@163.com
Tel: 86-0571-87951059 

Academician of Chinese Academy of Science (1995-), Professor (1984-). Born in 1931. B.S. Shanghai University (1952); Lecturer, Suzhou University (1952-62); Research Associate, Director of laboratory, Institute of Changchun Applied Chemistry (1962-79); Visiting Associate Professor, Akron University (1982-83); Visiting Professor, RWTH Aachen, Germany (1989); Chairperson, Department of Chemistry, Zhejiang University (1984-87), Director of The Institute of Polymer Science & Materials, Zhejiang University (1987-92); Evaluation member, National Natural Science Foundation (1988-93); Councilor, Academy Degree Committee State Council (1992-96); National Natural Science Prize (1982, 1993); National Science Technology Progress Special Prize (1985). More than 200 papers published. 

Research Interests: 
Exploitation and development of new catalysts especially rare earth catalysts and methodologies in polymer synthesis. Main areas of research include: (1) New catalysts for olefin and diene polymerization; (2) New catalysts for cyclic and polar monomer polymerization; (3) New synthetic methodologies for biodegradable polymer; (5) Synthesis of polymeric membrane. 

Selected Publications: 
1.Synthesis and characterization of highly random copolymer of ε–caprolactone and D,L-lactide using rare earth catalyst  J.P.S.Part A.polym.Chem. 1996,  34, 1799. 
2.Characteristic and mechanism ofε–capro- lactone polymerization by rare earth halide systems Macromolecules, 1996, 29, 3441 
3.Novel rare earth catalysts for living polymerization and block copolymerization ofε–caprolactone,  Macromolecules, 1996, 29, 8289 
4.Polymerization of acetylenes with rare earth coordination catalysts,  Macromolecular Symposia, 1994, 84, 5


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