
发布时间:2016-07-15 18:35:20   人浏览 来源: 36365.net

36365.net - 丁苯橡胶

 据悉,10月14日,一套乳聚丁苯橡胶(ESBR)装置的动工仪式在伊朗阿萨鲁耶进行。该装置是伊朗国内首套ESBR装置,正在由萨达夫石化阿萨鲁耶公司建设。据萨达夫石化阿萨鲁耶公司总经理Ahmad Jazayeri称,该项目投资为2.55亿欧元(2.911亿美元),将历时29个月完成。该装置设计年产13.6万吨ESBR,主要将用于生产轮胎。

Jazayeri表示,Maire Tecnimont公司正在提供工程服务,而该装置的技术由Versalis公司提供。

庞晓华摘译自《Chemical Week》2015-10-14



Iran begins constructing ESBR project at Assaluyeh

2:02 AM MDT | October 14, 2015 | Natasha Alperowicz

A groundbreaking ceremony for an emulsion styrene butadiene rubber (ESBR) plant took place on Wednesday at Assaluyeh, Iran. This plant the country's first such facility and is being built by Sadaf Petrochemical Assaluyeh. The project involves an investment of €255 million ($291.1 million) and will take 29 months to complete, according to Ahmad Jazayeri, managing director of Sadaf Petrochemical Assaluyeh. It will be designed to produce 136,000 m.t./year of ESBR, which will be used mainly to produce tires.

Jazayeri says that Maire Tecnimont is providing the engineering services and Versalis its ESBR technology.


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